Meet Michelle

My name is Michelle and I've decided to make 2014 the year that I try my best to live only "on the up", a habit that I hope once formed, will follow me for the rest of my life.

Somewhere along the way I fell off track and lost a bit of my sparkle, forgot my true passions, and felt a little lost.  I've dedicated the past year or so of my life to getting back to the things that mean the most to me, and choosing health, wellness, and exercise has been my key to success and my biggest and most passionate focus.

For me, living on the up means riding that amazing feeling when my life, mood, and mindset are on an upswing.  I find these upswings everywhere, and they are what keep me coming back for more.  Living on the up is that glorious feeling of happiness on a beautiful summer day, fitting into that pair of jeans that used to be too small, the excitement that comes with a fresh dump of snow, riding a chairlift, seeing a new muscle start to peek out after weeks of strength training, trying a delicious new healthy recipe, learning what balance means (individually), and feeling the love from family and friends.

I'm so glad you stopped by to check out my blog, and I hope that you too are living on the up - because from what I've experienced so far it's pretty awesome.

What does living on the up mean to you?  What do you do to stay awesome?  What inspires you?  What would you like to see posts about? 

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